Sharpesville, IN

Tri-Central Community Schools


EMCOR Construction Services Midwest


Tri-Central Community Schools

Services Provided

  • Construction Services
  • HVAC
  • Temperature Controls
Three you ng students working together on a computer in a classroom

Value Delivered

EMCOR Construction Services Midwest self-performed all the work necessary to replace a complicated array of heating and air conditioning equipment at Tri-Central Community Schools’ elementary, middle, and high schools, with a system that incorporates the latest energy-efficiency solutions.

We performed the work under a guaranteed energy savings contract that guaranteed $687,128 in operational, maintenance, and energy savings over 10 years. These savings were enough to repay the entire project’s financing. 

Although the schools were contained in one contiguous structure, inefficiencies caused by separate heating, cooling, and ventilation represented a unique challenge. 

Because all their classrooms had independent sources for heating and cooling, and multiple sources of ventilation, it had been difficult to control temperature and humidity. We collected data that revealed large swings in rooms’ humidity levels, and an inconsistent application of inefficient practices such as night/weekend temperature setback.

To overcome this challenge, we provided solutions that helped to improve classroom air quality and comfort; reduce utility expenses; automate energy-efficiency; and optimize their learning environment. These upgrades also deliver ongoing economies, efficiencies, and investment returns.

Client Objectives

The client wanted to reduce energy consumption and costs, as well as operational and maintenance expenses, in their elementary, middle, and high school.


To resolve inefficiencies throughout all three schools, we installed:

  • A four-pipe, variable air volume (VAV) HVAC system with high-efficiency boilers and chillers
  • A direct digital control system with energy-efficiency sequences and carbon dioxide sensors

In the elementary and middle schools, we:

  • Integrated the VAV system with a central station air handling unit to eliminate multiple points of failure caused by separate equipment serving each classroom, and streamline maintenance
  • Upgraded the school’s potable water system to reduce energy consumption and costs while increasing water pressure

For the high school, we:

  • Enhanced the HVAC system with VAV devices and demand control ventilation
  • Installed a high-efficiency air-cooled chiller in parallel with the existing chiller to help cool the gym, wrestling room, and weight room

We then commissioned the schools’ new systems, helping to initiate years of high-performance operation, improved occupant comfort and productivity, and ongoing cost savings.

Client Background

Tri-Central Community Schools is a public school district serving approximately 760 students in two schools.